To Be a Writer, Ya’ Gotta Be a Reader, Too

It’s been said that there are more writers in the world than readers. I want to conduct a study someday to see if that’s true. My guess is that it is.

This tip is short and sweet: please do more reading, dang it. Especially if you want to call yourself a writer. You will be surprised at how your writing skills will improve just by osmosis … if you bother to read as much as, or even more than, you write.

Here’s what I do. Have done it for years. I recommend you do the same.

I make sure that I’ve always got a book or magazine with me where ever I go. So, that way, when I’m waiting at the barbershop, I can get 10 minutes of reading in. When things are slow at work, well, I’m never at a loss. While my wife is shopping, I can entertain myself for hours in the parking lot.

Why don’t you consider doing yourself (and anyone who may have to read your writing) a favor? Make a better effort to read more, dang it. I guarantee it won’t hurt you.