Being God’s Light

Today’s reading: 2 Corinthians 4:6-12

It is interesting that this scripture would be the one by which I begin this series.  Verse 6 is startlingly relevant to my life these days: “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness hath shined in our hearts …”

I will not share details on this site, but something has happened in recent weeks that make these the darkest days of my life so far. Nevertheless, I am prospering. (The revitalization of this site is but one sign of that.) And I know that I am as blessed as a man can be.

Thanks be to God for Paul’s reminder that, with Him, there simply is no darkness — so long as I remember that He is eternally shining in my hearts.

When my crisis first began, a plunge into the dark pit of despair seemed inviting. I am frightened now to realize the thought was  even comforting and refreshing.

But many counselors and friends reminded me to turn to the greater comfort offered by God instead.

So I did. And, of course, turning to God means turning inwardly, toward my own heart, to experience His light.

I now hear God’s still, small voice each moment of each day.

And I realize that my crisis is not a crisis after all. It’s an opportunity to grow, to become the glorious disciple that God intends for me to become.

With God’s light in my heart, I am now able to be God’s light. Thanks be to God for knowing nothing of darkness.