Discipleship is Tricky

Today’s reading: Titus 3:3-7

Discipleship is tricky because God does not require it.  Today’s reading, for example, reminds me that I do not have to come to his computer every morning to write these posts.

And when I notice how cute pictures of my wife get more attention on my Facebook page than do my links to these daily posts, my thoughts turn toward, “why do I bother?”

Well, when I allow myself a chance to reflect properly, that becomes an easy question to answer: I bother because I love honoring God, and because these posts strengthen my relationship with Him.  As a side benefit, I’m confident that these posts will help at least a few others to strengthen their relationship with God, too.

God promises his love to me, no matter whether I come to this computer every morning or not. (And he certainly does not care that it is now 6:45, and I am still not finished with today’s post.) In fact, he will love me even if I give up these posts entirely and decide to crawl to the same depths Paul mentions in today’s reading. “For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another.” (Verse 3)

I find that kind of love is worth writing  about — even if no one else is interested. So I will continue.

Thanks be to God for His eternal, unconditional love for all!