Invalid Complaints

Today’s reading: Genesis 39:1-23

I find  Joseph’s story to be the Bible’s most inspirational. Here’s a guy who comes from the most famous dysfunctional family in history and who, even when he escapes that insanity,  finds himself being failed — usually brutally so — by every person he encounters. His life is even more tortuous than Job’s.

But God always comes through for him. He always emerges victoriously. Even in the most hopeless of situations.

The worst troubles of my life are no match for any of Joseph’s.( This is, maybe, the worst one, and there is another one in progress that offers it strong competition. But neither come close to the three bits of cruelty mentioned in today’s reading, just a small part of Joseph’s story. ) That fact is endlessly inspirational. If Joseph can happily endure all of his incredible  trials — and prosper to the point of becoming a king! — by just relying upon God’s greatness, then what complaints have I?

None, of course. None that are valid anyway.

Thanks to God for being my — and everyone’s — best friend!