Heaven’s Mansions Are For Everyone

Today’s reading: John 14:1-2

During my time in the radio business, I met a lot of “hard living” musicians who would shudder at the thought of heaven.

“White just makes me nervous,” I remember one guy saying after we’d had a few beers together one night. “Peace and quiet just aren’t my style. I couldn’t handle that for eternity. I needs me some chaos to keep me sane!”

I wish I could remember that guy’s name. I’ve made a discovery this morning that I think he will appreciate.

In the countless times I’ve heard and seen today’s reading quoted over the years, Jesus says his father’s house has many rooms. Well, I guess I’ve never read this verse directly from the King James version of The Bible as I have today. This morning, I see that these “rooms” have turned into mansions.

I don’t know what became of my musician friend in the 15 years or so since our chat, but I do know, as we were talking,  he was definitely after The Good Life:  gorgeous women, fancy cars, non-stop partying and a mansion (or two).

It’s great to know that Our Father’s House really does have a place for everybody.

Thanks be to God for His universal love.