God is counting upon us

Today’s reading: 1 Samuel 3:1-10

Today’s reading brings to mind  the famous question. If a tree falls in a forest and there is no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?

I am on the “no” side of that debate. It’s obvious to me that  a sound requires both a producer and a receiver. Absent a receiver, a “sound” is just a bunch of useless puffs of air.

Applying that same concept to God is startling.

If God speaks, and I do not recognize His voice, does He speak at all? To stay true to the logic of my answer about sound, I must answer no to this as well.

But that’s a troubling thought. It means that God — the creator of the universe —  requires my  help. He doesn’t just request it, or even just demand it. He requires it!  Absent my acknowledgement, His voice is just a bunch of useless puffs of air!

It is frightening to think that God may have been (and may be!) trying to call out to me, just as he did to Samuel, but that I simply didn’t realize it was him. What great news have I missed? What glory am I missing?

It’s clear that I must eternally renew my vow to stay vigilant for God, always listening for His voice — whether it be still and small in my own heart or loud and clear from other people.  He is counting upon me to do that. He is counting upon all of us to do that!

Thanks be to God for trusting me (and all of us) to hear Him when He speaks. May I have sufficient grace to always hear.