To Always Love Is Always Difficult

Today’s reading: John 15:5-14

I know dozens of troubled people who refuse to change their ways to escape their demons. Most of them will not even acknowledge that they are troubled.

Being a friend to these people is tricky.

Like many others in their lives, I have often fallen into the devil’s trap of believing that I can save them with something other than that eternally blessed tool, love.

I have tried everything. And always in God’s name, of course.  I’ve yelled. I’ve pleaded. I’ve ostracized.  I’ve humiliated. One time I even punched.  Another time I fired. (Oh yeah, and still another time I quit.)

I have usually been encouraged by many others in these tactics and, though none have ever been challenged in a court, I’m confident they would all have been deemed just by the world.

But none of them has ever worked — except for the devil’s purposes. These approaches  have always taken me further from God.

If I were to take an inventory of each of my own life’s troubles, I’m certain I would discover they all have their root in this problem I have: I simply forget to always love.

I am thankful for the reminder in today’s reading of Christ’s one and only rule.

“This is my commandment. That ye love one another, as I have loved you.” (Verse 12)

Yes, I must learn to love everyone: alcoholics, thieves, liars, adulterers,  arrogant fools, even greedy jerks and loud neighbors.

When this becomes difficult, it helps to turn to the greatest words in history, uttered from a cross: “Father, forgive them, for they no not what they do.”

Thanks be to God for an eternity of opportunities for love.