Being Angelic is a Gift To God

Today’s reading: Acts 12:1-17

When I read the story of Peter’s miraculous escape from Herod Agrippa’s jail, I find myself thinking there has to be more to it.

Chains don’t just fall off a man, and heavily guarded gates don’t just open by themselves.

The full story, of course, has to be that some (or maybe just one) of Herod’s soldiers  had a miraculous conversion and decided to be Peter’s angels rather than his captors.

And they had to have known that Herod would kill all of them for this decision.

That is heroism at its best!

Here I go again with my layman’s speculation about the Bible. (See yesterday’s devotional.)   But, risky as it may be, I find this idea deeply inspirational. And I do not believe that I came up with it on my own. I know it is God’s way of talking to me.

To think that any man can simply decide to become an angel is as encouraging and hopeful a thought as God can send.  And I am now committed to finding the strength to become as angelic as those silently heroic, definitely unsung, soldiers of King Herrod Agrippa. May their spirits live with God forever.

Thanks be to God for my (and our) countless opportunities to be an angel. May I always pounce mightily upon those chances.