Sowing God’s Seeds Requires Work

Today’s reading: Matthew 13:1-8 & Matthew 13:18-23

I’ve been wanting to have a nice garden in my backyard for two years. I say nice because I did once have a garden going. But it was short lived and bore little that was edible.

I discovered in that hasty experiment that the soil in my yard is just not yet nutritious enough for healthy planting. I have much more work to do: tilling, weeding, composting, fertilizing, etc.

And weaving all of this work into my already very busy life has been difficult.

This year was the same as last: I started digging in February with a goal of having the garden ready for planting by late March.  When April finally arrived, and the pre-planting work had proved overwhelming, I  decided to just work slowly on the soil through the summer and begin planting in September.

When I did this last year, weeds overtook the plot by May, and the summer heat made work no fun at all. So I ignored the garden until cooler days returned in September. And then my semi-annual ritual began again: I started digging with a goal of getting the garden ready in a month or so.  The garden wasn’t ready in a month, of course. So I decided I would have it ready in for the next planting. And, of course, it wasn’t ready.

If I really want a back yard garden next fall, I need to decide to get serious this summer.  I must be willing to do a lot of work in the heat!

All of this comes to mind as I ponder Jesus’ lesson about sowing seeds.

“But as for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it …” (Verse 23)

This is a call for me to tend to my spiritual soil. I must  make sure it is always fit for the spiritual seeds that God will toss into it.

This means that I must do some work! I must continue these daily writings and study other scripture as well. I must read learned commentary about The Bible, and listen thoughtfully to preachers at every chance. I must pray, and encourage others to pray.  I must memorize Bible verses and learn to apply them wisely to my life.

If I tend lovingly to all of this great work (and more), my soil will always be good, and I will be ever ready to bloom in God’s love.

Thanks be to God for His eternal supply of magical seeds. May my garden’s soil be always ready to help them bloom.