To Abide in God is a Great Definition of Pleasure

Today’s reading: Psalm 91:1-16

God’s timing is interesting. This very topic of today’s reading, “abiding in God,” came up during dinner tonight. That’s because it was also the focus of the Sunday sermon I heard today.

“You who live in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty, will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust.” (Verses 1-2)

I admit I was a little surprised when a relative of mine said during dinner that she’s not exactly sure what it means to abide in Christ. But then I shouldn’t have been. Such an abode is not encouraged in our modern society.

In the restaurant, for example, I saw at least six of my fellow diners sporting the logo of the San Antonio Spurs, and a TV in the corner was tuned to the Big Game for the team. (It’s Game 2 of the NBA Finals between the Spurs and the Miami Heat, in case you hadn’t heard.) I don’t think I’ve ever seen a restaurant television tuned to a church service.

But that said, even I intended to head home after dinner to catch most of the big game on my own TV. This is The Spurs afterall. And these are The Finals! This sort of glory might not come back around to these parts for years! (For out of town readers, San Antonio is just 2 hours from Corpus Christi. I know plenty of people in town who are regulars at Spurs games.  These guys are definitely our team. Their playoff run is huge news around here.)

But when I got home, I came straight to this computer and began contemplating this daily devotional. Deciding what to write has taken longer than I expected,  and now I’ve just realized the game is over. Oh well. Such is life.

It’s great to realize how much I’ve grown with God in recent months.

Just last year, there is no way I would have chosen this time with God over watching my beloved Spurs (or Astros or Dallas Stars or whoever) in a playoff game.  But tonight, I am at peace with that blessed choice.

Abiding in God is easier, and more comfortable, than many people seem to think. I join the Psalmist (and pastor) in recommend it for everyone.

Dear Reader, if you will give God and the Bible the same kind of attention (preferably more attention) you give to your job, your family, your pets, your hobbies and your sports teams, I guarantee — and so does God — you will find more peace and comfort than you ever thought possible.

Thanks be to God for always bringing me home.