Reflections on Ephesians 2:14 — Christ Cures Everything, Even My Annoyance

“For he is our peace, who has made us both one, and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility” — Ephesians 2:14 (RSV)

Paul’s original intent with these words was to remind the Ephesians  that it was through Christ — not religion’s “commandments and ordinances” —  that Gentiles and Israelites became one (not only equal, but one).

I’ve been feeling stressed today. Worse, my stress is coming from my annoyance with some of folks who just won’t do some things that I want them to do. (Actually, I sort of need them to do these things, and, if they’d just do them, they’d see that it’s only for their benefit. Alas, I’ve been unconvincing so far.)

So I’m thankful to God for His reminder through Paul. That letter to the Ephesians was for everybody, afterall, not just a few ancient Christians. It’s points are maybe even more relevant in our modern, uptight times, in fact.

The blessed brothers and sisters who have me so worked up today are, well, just me. I’m sure I’ve annoyed most of them myself, a least a little, over the years.  And I doubt any of them set out on Monday to make sure their decisions left me thoroughly annoyed and stressed by Friday.

So, the problem is with me. I must give up My (righteous) expectations about what (I believe) these folks should be doing.

That “dividing wall of hostility” has already been broken. What the heck am I doing trying to build it back?

Dear Lord, help me keep my focus always on You. Help me align my thoughts with You — and let Your mighty power move freely within me to do your miraculous things in our world.